When Christine Terpening sees a need, she makes a way.

Christine Terpening is from the rural area of Kalamo Township and has been a Vermontville resident her entire life. She is the proud mother of three incredible adult children--Marcum, Dillon & Josey. During her kids school years she was an entrenched in volunteering for school and community while also coaching Jr. High and JV volleyball throughout the years. On their small farm her children learned a love of country, agriculture and family. Her oldest is a farmer and precision agriculture technician, her middle son is in college and committed to the Air Force after graduation and her daughter is about to be a wonderful mother.
Christine is no stranger to struggle. After a lifetime of hiding the fear and shame that she may be gay, Christine says she "fell out, stumbled out, crashed out" of the closet. While still on shaky ground herself she learned that 60% of LGBTQ+ youth consider suicide and self harm. Christine, having a love of all children, was devastated. She also learned that if those same kids knew one openly gay person those horrific statistics drop dramatically. With that, Christine came out loud to her community and founded I'll Be Your Rock, rural LGBTQ+ youth support. What began in Vermontville now has chapters cropping up in rural communities across Michigan. "Coming out should be a happy story, not a survival story," says Christine. To learn more about Christine's story and her advocacy visit www.illbeyourrock.org
Fun facts about Christine are that she was a rodeo cowgirl in her youth including two state championships as well as being Miss Rodeo Michigan 1992. She is the owner of Happy Suz & Co. showcasing a line of her self designed graphic tees. Christine is a bilateral breast cancer survivor. She had been a regular platelet donor to the Red Cross until that moment. She volunteers at the Vermontville Food Bank. In her free time Christine is an artist who is known for her portraits but loves to destress painting en plein air. She will become a first time grandma this summer, a job she knows she will rock.
Christine has a deep love of community and the people within her community. She is a no nonsense woman with good common horse sense. Voting for Christine Terpening as your representative in Michigan's District 78 ensures that you will have someone in your corner who tolerates nothing less than the best for her people.
"When I go to the House, we all go to the House."
--Christine M. Terpening
Terpening's stance on...
I have a deep devotion to agriculture. I was raised on a 40 acre farm where we raised cattle and horses. My parents gardened and if I didn't get off the property on my pony fast enough I had rows to hoe and asparagus to pick by the bag full. Baling hay was on our families summer itinerary. I am a huge fan of the FFA and 4-H. I myself was in 4-H in my youth. My three children were leaders in the FFA as proud members of the Maple Valley Chapter. All three were officers at regional level while Marcum and Josey were both Michigan State FFA Officers. Dillon was a regional officer and is committed to the United States Air Force upon graduation from Western Michigan University. My boys raised their own flock of club lambs during their youth while Josey was a barrel racer on her horse, Dale. Marcum bales hay today and is a precision agriculture technician. I will commit to being the ag industries best friend. I want more farmers, not less and would work to seeing that the ag industry thrives. I know and respect those that put food on our dinner tables. VOTE TERPENING.
Abortion Rights--
While others may say they “will protect children,” I’ve proved that I will give my last breath to make sure children thrive and live happy. My opponents are simply mouthing the words while my boots have been on the ground in action. While I am pro-choice, I am for everything that reduces healthcare abortions significantly—education, contraception, funding social programs that lift people from poverty, access to healthcare, making adoption and fostering a less financially daunting act of love…the list goes on. Women deserve the right to choose what happens to their body, the government should make it so she is not thrust into heartbreaking decisions. If you really want to be pro-life, put your vote where the action is and VOTE TERPENING.